Even water distribution ensures no dry spots or puddles.|Extra robust spike suitable for piercing lawns.|Adjustable spray pattern from 30 to 360 degrees.|Water part circle to full circle areas.|Made from solid metal.|Flow rate: 10Lpm @200kPa. 14Lpm @400kPa.|12mm click on connection and 3/4" BSP outlet with screw cap.|Connect two or more sprinklers together for a larger watering area.
530 square metre area coverage.| Suitable for watering large garden areas.| Adjustable pattern and distance 30m.| 2 Year Guarantee.
Neta Metal Impulse on Spike Sprinkler 12mm
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$ 29.99
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Product Description
Even water distribution ensures no dry spots or puddles.|Extra robust spike suitable for piercing lawns.|Adjustable spray pattern from 30 to 360 degrees.|Water part circle to full circle areas.|Made from solid metal.|Flow rate: 10Lpm @200kPa. 14Lpm @400kPa.|12mm click on connection and 3/4" BSP outlet with screw cap.|Connect two or more sprinklers together for a larger watering area.
530 square metre area coverage.| Suitable for watering large garden areas.| Adjustable pattern and distance 30m.| 2 Year Guarantee.
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