4-pin cylinder for superior pick resistance.|Master Lock use the toughest boron alloy material and cutting edge technology.|A truly high security padlock that is 50% stronger than a standard padlock.|The laminated steel covered padlocks have a weather resistant brass and zinc cover, to protect the lock even in extremely bad weather conditions.|Ideal for securing factory fences, sheds or store front gates.
Laminated steel core for greater durability.| Zinc outer treatment with brass finish for weather resistance.| Exclusive octagonal boron-carbide shackle for maximum cut resistance.| Dual ball bearing locking mechanism.
Master Lock Excell Padlock 64 x 27mm
Master Lock
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$ 55.00
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Product Description
4-pin cylinder for superior pick resistance.|Master Lock use the toughest boron alloy material and cutting edge technology.|A truly high security padlock that is 50% stronger than a standard padlock.|The laminated steel covered padlocks have a weather resistant brass and zinc cover, to protect the lock even in extremely bad weather conditions.|Ideal for securing factory fences, sheds or store front gates.
Laminated steel core for greater durability.| Zinc outer treatment with brass finish for weather resistance.| Exclusive octagonal boron-carbide shackle for maximum cut resistance.| Dual ball bearing locking mechanism.
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