Hills Everyday Retracting Clotheslines are the ultimate space saving drying solution.|The relatively small cabinet sits discreetly on the wall or post when not in use, yet offers a sizeable drying space which easily accommodates all sheet sizes when extended. |Every line is individually tensioned using German manufactured springs, ensuring consistently taut lines over a sustained period.|3.5mm UV stabilised hi-tenacity polycore line.|Each line extends to a maximum of 6.5m.|Total hanging capacity - 39kg.|Typically installed on the wall, but can be installed using post kits (sold separately).|Wall-to-Wall (ready out the box).|Wall-to-Post (requires one post kit).|Post-to-Wall (requires one mount bar & one post kit).|Post-to-Post (requires 2 post kits & one mount bar).
Galvanised & Powder Coated Steel cabinet.| UV stabilised engineering grade plastics.| 2 stage locking lever for maximum line tension.
Hills Everyday Retracting Clothesline 4-Line
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$ 199.00
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Product Description
Hills Everyday Retracting Clotheslines are the ultimate space saving drying solution.|The relatively small cabinet sits discreetly on the wall or post when not in use, yet offers a sizeable drying space which easily accommodates all sheet sizes when extended. |Every line is individually tensioned using German manufactured springs, ensuring consistently taut lines over a sustained period.|3.5mm UV stabilised hi-tenacity polycore line.|Each line extends to a maximum of 6.5m.|Total hanging capacity - 39kg.|Typically installed on the wall, but can be installed using post kits (sold separately).|Wall-to-Wall (ready out the box).|Wall-to-Post (requires one post kit).|Post-to-Wall (requires one mount bar & one post kit).|Post-to-Post (requires 2 post kits & one mount bar).
Galvanised & Powder Coated Steel cabinet.| UV stabilised engineering grade plastics.| 2 stage locking lever for maximum line tension.
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